Mental Health Minute with Ryan Stoll


My friend, Dr. Ryan Stoll, PhD, joins us this week to bring us the first Mental Health Minute episode - one which we hope to be a series of episodes that will bring you plenty of bite-sized tips and tricks for how you can improve your mental health by bringing you some practical knowledge that would otherwise be sequestered in research and academia.

As you’ll hear on the episode, Ryan’s background is in Clinical Psychology with a focus on anxiety and depression, as well as Entrepreneurship. You’ll hear throughout the episode how these seemingly two disparate ideas come together so beautifully and all the wonderful things that Ryan is doing with that combination of skills and accreditation.

We jump into breaking down some tools that you can use for managing, attacking, and working through your anxiety - including concepts like awareness, correction, and cognitive self-control.

Next up, we re-adjust and see how some of these same tools can be applied to depression, but also what new elements you can add to your toolbox to attack this mental illness that is more inwardly-focused, as compared to the externally-focused symptoms of anxiety.

If you don’t have the time to re-listen, or undoubtedly take copious notes like I know my lovely and studious wife will end up doing, you can check out the companion blog posts that Ryan has written to accompany the episode. These blog posts are available at and are meant to be this very conversation distilled down into what you can take away, be actionable, and potentially even print out to re-read when you are on the verge of increased anxiety or in the depths of a depressive episode.

Anthologies / Rick Osowski / Hope for the Day

Andy King