Conversations Cafe: What Does Better Look Like? - Part 2


Our episode this week rejoins the discussions made hyper-visible in the protests triggered by the murder of George Floyd. The historic momentum galvanized to challenge systemic racism demands that we identify and clarify the problems and impacts. We can sustain this momentum by pushing towards tangible change.

As we upend racist policies, what are the policies and systems that support an anti-racist system? What does a better society look like institutionally?

Our new & returning guests this week include an amazing panel of individuals, offering much needed perspective, insights, and expertise:

-Adam Hill: Bulls Entertainment, High School Band Director, & Father.

-Christopher LeMark: Artist, Speaker, & Founder of Coffee, Hip-Hop & Mental Health.

-Michelle Thompkins: Founder of The Corner Store Chicago, NFP.

-Mojdeh Stoakley: Social Practice Artist, Cultural Worker, & Founder of Social Practice Labs.

-Sharmon Jarmon: Founder of Strawberry Red Entertainment, Evolve: A Wellness Pop-Up, & HFTD Agent of Impact.

-Trez Pugh: Founder & CEO of Sip & Savor Coffee Houses.

Conversations Cafe is (usually) a monthly live podcast recording at Sip of Hope Coffee Bar featuring education and open forum dialogue on the intersections of Mental Health within our communities. This education programming is brought to you by Hope for the Day with support from our partners in prevention, The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention of Illinois, Banyan Treatment Center, and Janssen.

Join the conversation. We are in this together.

Anthologies / Rick Osowski / Hope for the Day

Andy King